#BreakingCryptoNews Breaking monopolies: How Ethereum can reclaim its diversified roots $ETH

Addressing the monopolization of block building, an independent builder aims to diversify Ethereum again.$ETH

To address the dominance of a few builders in the Ethereum network, GigaBuilder stands as an unaffiliated alternative that operates independently, ensuring neutrality and contributing to a more diversified blockchain ecosystem.

A simple glitch in Crowdstrike’s operations sent shockwaves through the business world, crashing Microsoft’s Windows operating system. The incident clearly highlighted the fragility of centralized systems and the pressing need for more robust, decentralized alternatives.

Decentralization, the principle at the heart of blockchain technology, minimizes susceptibility to censorship and undue influence. It allows transactions and activities to proceed without interference and prioritizes security, transparency and fairness by distributing control across an independent network.

However, the Ethereum blockchain ecosystem is currently showing a worrying trend toward centralization, undermining these fundamental benefits. Recent data reveal that block production on Ethereum is concentrated between Titan and Beaver Builder, with these two entities controlling nearly 90% of block production. This dominance threatens the diversity and independence that are crucial for a healthy blockchain.

The Ethereum dilemma $ETH

An Ethereum builder is responsible for constructing, validating, and proposing blocks of transactions to the network. They play a crucial role in maintaining the ecosystem’s efficiency, security, and decentralization.


In a competitive market like Ethereum, spreading transactions across multiple builders ensures that transactions are included in a block more quickly and efficiently.

Enter GigaBuilder, a neutrality-oriented builder that exemplifies the true potential of decentralization. #ETHđŸ”„đŸ”„đŸ”„đŸ”„