Let me tell you something that may offend people, about following orders

No matter how expensive the group fee is or how high-end it looks, as long as it involves manual following orders, it is highly unlikely that you will make money in the long run, let alone get rich.

Take me as an example. For example, if you come to follow orders from me, my winning rate is always 40%-50%. I don’t make a living by the winning rate. I can make long-term profits by profit-loss ratio + strict implementation of trading plans + efficient risk management + efficient capital utilization + regular withdrawals.

So if you only follow a few orders occasionally, it is likely that you will follow all the losing orders, and then you will stop following them after saying you are an idiot, then you may miss the profitable orders later; and if you cannot follow my stop loss and stop profit, choose to hold the order or want to make a big profit at once, then a margin call will definitely be your final outcome.

The secret of long-term profitability of each trader will be somewhat different. The follower must be highly consistent with it in order to replicate the capital growth curve of the trader, so if you cannot thoroughly implement more than 90% of the content of his trading system, following orders will not make you money.

For manual copy trading, this is almost impossible. Only machine copy trading is possible, similar to the copy trading system currently used by major exchanges. But when using such systems, you must also pay attention that you must strictly follow the requirements of the trader you follow and set the same conditions as him, and you cannot quit at will in the middle of the process, otherwise the result will still be a loss.

All I want to say is to explain one thing, that is, only you can save yourself in trading. For all matters related to yourself, only you are the decision maker of your destiny.

If you don't want to learn and make money, even if you want to win the lottery, you have to go out to the lottery station and spend money to pick the number. Instead of spending your mind on the wrong path, it is better to think about how to learn and how to make your own trading path.