Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev hit the nail on the head, pointing out that Telegram founder Pavel Durov's strategic misjudgment - fleeing Russia actually missed a key opportunity to dance harmoniously with the global security system. He fondly recalled his past exchanges with Durov, and his words revealed his regret for Durov's failure to foresee the importance of cooperation, asserting: "Escape is not a solution. If you refuse to cooperate, you will be in trouble no matter where you are." Medvedev was even more outspoken in his warning. He had issued a warning to Durov many years ago: "Refusing to integrate is declaring war on global challenges." Durov's dream of becoming a "world citizen" is intended to break free from the constraints of national borders, but in Medvedev's eyes, it has become a misunderstanding and escape from reality. He made a profound analysis: "As a son of Russia, Durov's name is branded with the labels of 'unpredictable' and 'potential threat', which is the helpless reality given by his identity."
Medvedev, in his authoritative capacity as deputy chairman of the Russian Security Council, reiterated a truth that cannot be ignored: "The motherland is not an option, but the intersection of our common destiny." He further explained that the pursuit of the ideal of freedom beyond national boundaries is tempting but illusory, and it is ultimately difficult to resist the torrent of reality.
Finally, Medvedev, as a wise man, lit a bright light for Durov's future path: "In the face of the ever-changing external environment, only by facing reality and daring to take on the responsibilities and challenges of being a Russian can we find a real way out." These words are not only a deep concern for Durov, but also a sincere warning to all those who pursue freedom and dreams.