In investment trading, pursuing winning rate and profit and loss ratio are actually two different strategic focuses, and which one is better depends on your trading style and risk preference. But if you have to choose between the two, many successful traders will tell you that **profit and loss ratio** is often more important.

**Win rate** refers to the ratio of your successful trades to the total number of trades. It sounds like a high win rate is very attractive, who doesn't want to win more times? However, a high win rate does not necessarily mean a high return. Imagine if your win rate is 80%, but the amount of profit each time is very small, and once you lose, it is a "heavy loss", the final result may still be a loss.

**Win-loss ratio** is the ratio of your profit amount to your loss amount. For example, you may only have a 40% win rate, but as long as your profit-loss ratio is 3:1 (i.e. you make 3 yuan each time you win and only lose 1 yuan each time you lose), you can still make considerable profits in the long run. In other words, the profit-loss ratio focuses on how much you earn, not just how many times you win.

More importantly, the market is full of uncertainty, and occasional mistakes are inevitable. The pursuit of a high winning rate often makes people fall into the trap of frequent trading and quick success, which makes it easy to ignore the overall situation. Focusing on the profit and loss ratio is to ensure that you make enough money every time you make a profit, and the loss is controllable when you lose through strict risk management. This strategy is more conducive to maintaining stable growth in market fluctuations.

Therefore, for most investors, **pursuing a high profit-loss ratio** is usually a wiser strategy. By controlling risk and amplifying profits, you can achieve more stable long-term returns in a volatile market. After all, investment trading is not just about winning more times, but about making more money and losing less. #杰克逊霍尔年会