#美降息25个基点预期升温 #BTC☀ In the cryptocurrency world, the most important trap to avoid is frequent trading and blindly chasing ups and downs.

Although the core of cryptocurrency trading is to accurately judge trends and patiently wait for them to show up, the real challenge is often not in selecting coins or executing buying and selling operations, but in the persistence of patience. Successful traders know that only by closely following and grasping the general trend of the market can they achieve steady growth of wealth.

However, many investors are prone to the misunderstanding of frequent buying and selling. They try to capture every market fluctuation, whether it is rising or falling, and are eager to enter or leave the market. The result is often physical and mental exhaustion, but the benefits are few. This "chasing ups and downs" behavior is not only difficult to accurately grasp the pulse of the market, but also likely to generate high fees due to frequent trading, further eroding profits.

In fact, short-term market fluctuations are like fog, elusive, and even the most professional analysts find it difficult to accurately predict. On the contrary, those investors who can deeply study the investment targets, understand their intrinsic value and hold a long-term perspective often have the last laugh. They understand that the long-term trend of the market will eventually return to the true value of the target, and short-term fluctuations are nothing but passing clouds.

Therefore, for investors in the cryptocurrency circle, the most important thing is to cultivate patience and determination to avoid being confused by short-term market fluctuations. At the same time, we must also focus on research and learning, and constantly improve our investment cognition and ability level. Only in this way can we move forward steadily in the turbulent waves of the cryptocurrency circle and achieve continuous growth of wealth.