Stolen assets can be recovered 100% of the time? Don’t believe it.

I will help you remove the multi-signature authorization of your USDT wallet, and you can pay after you have successfully retrieved it. This is what many friends said when they randomly found a cyber doctor on the Internet after their USDT was stolen. As long as you have a little understanding of the multi-signature authorization of the wallet, you will know how funny this sentence is. But there are really newbies who are desperate and seek medical treatment and get deceived. Hello everyone, today we are going to talk about whether the wallet can be retrieved after being multi-signed?

Many people who have just come into contact with virtual currency may not know that, taking the TRX public chain as an example, the others are roughly the same. Sun Ge's TRX has two methods to control your wallet. One is multi-signature, and the other is contract authorization.

Let's talk about the first one first. What is multi-signature? Simply put, it is to modify your account permissions. As long as you click on the stolen U link or stolen U QR code, you agree that the scammer will change your account permissions. The scammer only needs to spend 100 TRX energy to change your wallet to his.

Once the multi-signature is completed, you cannot cancel it. Note that I am talking about 100% non-cancellable. If someone says that he can solve this problem, he is 100% a scammer. This is why I emphasize that multi-signature of wallet is necessary, because as long as you multi-sign first, even if the scammer asks one of your wallets to click on the consent, it will not take effect. Other auxiliary wallets must agree to this permission modification at the same time for it to succeed.

Now that we have finished talking about multi-signature, let's talk about contract authorization. What is contract authorization? As the name suggests, authorization means agreeing to a certain organization to use the virtual currency fixed in your wallet. Because this type of U-authorization is more hidden than multi-signature, more people are fooled.

But this kind of contract authorization has a very good advantage, that is, it can be canceled at any time. Where can we cancel it? Let's take a web3 wallet of a certain exchange as an example. When we log in to the web3 wallet of a certain exchange, there is an authorization button next to it. We can find out which coins are authorized by clicking it. If we find that the USDT in your wallet has been authorized infinitely, we can directly click cancel.

As long as we cancel this authorization, our wallet will be safe. Finally, I would like to remind everyone that when using web3 wallets, you must first multi-sign your wallet and do the underlying encryption. Once the account is multi-signed, do not look for Cyber ​​Doctor, but report to the police as soon as possible to prevent being deceived twice.

Well, that’s all for this issue. If you find it helpful, please support me by clicking three times and follow me. I will continue to update and expose the scam. See you next time.