Hi Minders! September kicked off conference season and we were all over the world finding new partners and strengthening our bonds with existing ones!

Here is the September recap!

Key Highlights


  • Mind Network won first place at the Ethereum Singapore Hackathon with its ZK stealth wallet solution!

  • We were a Silver sponsor at Token2049, hosted three events, participated in four others with more than 2000 audiences in total, and connected with many brilliant minds including a face-to-face chat with Vitalik.

  • We attended Permissionless and gave an interview to the MetaMask team

  • We were invited to attend and deliver a keynote speech at Messari’s Mainnet conference in NYC

  • As a strategic partner, Chainlink invited us to attend SmartCon in Barcelona and be a featured partner in their booth!

  • We were tapped to build a new solution with Chainlink!


  • We spent this month developing the many partnerships from August as well as beginning new partnerships with exciting tier one industry partners like Alchemy, Sui, Manta Network, and Arbitrum!


  • In continuing to build out our product portfolio, we are now partnering with Chainlink to design and implement a Zero Trust bridge infrastructure to protect on-chain transactions for financial institutions. More details to come in next month.


  • Permissionless 2 in Austin, Texas

  • Token 2049 in Singapore

  • Messari Mainnet in New York City, NY

  • SmartCon in Barcelona, Spain

We are grateful for the support of our community and partners. We couldn’t have achieved so much without you. Data rights are human rights!

About Mind Network

The Zero Trust layer for Web3. Mind Network offers enterprise level data privacy and security, combined with zero-knowledge proofs (ZKP) and innovative Adaptive Fully Homomorphic Encryption (AFHE) technology, enabling individuals to have complete protection of their on-chain data, cross-chain interoperability, and artificial intelligence.

Project Recognitions:

Binance Labs Incubation Program Season 5 (the only data project) 

Ethereum Foundation Fellowship Program 

Chainlink BUILD Program 

Consensys Startup Program

Team Composition:

Mind Network has assembled a formidable team comprising accomplished leaders in their respective fields. The Chief Executive Officer, Mason, is an Ethereum researcher. The Chief Technology Officer, George, conducted research at Cambridge University, and his cryptographic research has been adopted by the United Kingdom government and major banks. Dennis, the Chief Security Officer, made history as the first white hat hacker to breach Tesla’s security in 2014. The rest of the team consists of seasoned entrepreneurs, acclaimed scientists, and Web3 marketing veterans.

Investors and Partners:

Mind Network has completed a $2.5 million seed funding round led by Binance Labs, with participation from notable investment firms such as SevenX Ventures, Comma3 Ventures, HashKey Capital, Big Brain Holdings, and Arweave SCP Ventures.

Strategic partners include: Chainlink, Consensys, Arweave, IPFS, Polygon, Arbitrum, IoTex, and more. 

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