Yongzhuan teachers😁Did you make thousands of percent profit today⁉️

Actually, I am not like some bloggers who always like to step on others to show themselves. When they make money, they are the best. When they lose money, they pull others to step on them, claiming that they are not Yongzhuan bloggers but real😂Because maybe because of my upbringing since childhood, I don’t like to evaluate others very much

I met an old man who was dressed in rags and said he wanted to treat me to a meal. He said he was very rich. I went, but it turned out that he was the boss of a real estate company👌So this is the gift that upbringing has brought me

Every order of mine is public, and it is different from any other blogger. I only do Ethereum for many years. I will not tell my fans a bunch of cottages at once like others, lead my fans to which cottage has skyrocketed, and then analyze it, let the fans chase it, get traffic, and finally get trapped‼ ️

Even though I am troubled by not doing hot coins and no traffic, I still insist on the qualities that top traders should have, only do mainstream, and only do one variety for many years, Ethereum‼ ️

I think no one in the entire cryptocurrency circle can compare with me in this regard⁉️Which blogger has always only done one product? Some are less likely to do Bitcoin and Ethereum, and they mainly do Bitcoin. Who has been specializing in Ethereum for so many years like me⁉️

I dare to say that I am the only one in the entire cryptocurrency circle, and you can always find my words‼ ️So a professional and an unprofessional person can see the difference at a glance. If I want to harvest fans, I can post a lot of hot spot surges and copycat analyses, but I never post them. I don’t participate in any farce of unprofessional transactions, and only pursue the most stable and top-level transactions👌👌

#杰克逊霍尔年会 #新币挖矿TON #美国CPI数据连续第4个月回落