In the past month, the global broad money base expanded by 1.2 trillion US dollars, of which the Bank of Japan and the Central Bank of China printed 400 billion and 97 billion US dollars respectively. Therefore, although the Fed has not yet released money, many countries can no longer hold on, and now that inflation in various countries has also come down, they no longer have any reason to suppress the market.

So now all countries have begun to release money to stimulate the economy, which will be a solid foundation for the gradual bull market in the currency circle, because only when there is more money can the currency price usher in a real increase.

The Federal Reserve is also determined to start cutting interest rates on September 19, but the range may be only 25 basis points, but every subsequent meeting will cut interest rates once and begin to loosen up the economy.

So I have no doubt that the trend of the currency circle in the next two years is bullish, because whether it is the global loose monetary policy or the Federal Reserve’s interest rate cut, this will definitely promote the long-term rise of various financial assets, so our assets will triple or quadruple next year. This result is certain, but there will be some twists and turns in the middle, so don’t use high leverage to hold long-term positions.

If you really want to increase your income, you can configure some highly volatile small coins such as Pepe and Floki, which are naturally equipped with several times leverage, and because they are spot, you don’t need to pay funding rates or worry about liquidation.

#杰克逊霍尔年会 #新币挖矿TON #美国CPI数据连续第4个月回落