Overall, the market today is in a volatile downward trend. The short position increased twice, and the low point reached 57956. The space for the long position to pull up in the previous two days was completely lost. In the evening, the price ratio bottomed out and rebounded, and then fell back quickly, with a strong long-short tug-of-war. Our idea of ​​holding a rebound short position during the day was confirmed, and the real market layout was also forced to leave. Did you copy the answer today?

From the current market, the daily short trend remains, and the price ratio keeps running below the middle track, always under pressure from the middle track. The low point on the four-hour line moves up, and it seems that a bullish trend is emerging, but the trend is not obvious, which is not enough to support the conclusion that the bulls are exerting force. The hourly line shows that the short position has not completely ended, and the short-term technical indicators also point to the short direction. In summary, we will treat it with the idea of ​​high-level short position, enter directly in the short term, and observe the rebound in the medium and long term before entering.

Bitcoin short near 59000, target near 57400

Ether short near 2610, target near 2500#杰克逊霍尔年会 #新币挖矿TON #美国CPI数据连续第4个月回落 #币安Web3钱包 #美国7月PPI低于预期