According to newly disclosed documents, former US President Donald Trump holds more than $1 million in Ethereum (ETH). This news has undoubtedly attracted widespread attention in the cryptocurrency circle and political circles.

In addition to holding Ethereum, Trump also received licensing fee income through his NFT project. These NFT (non-fungible token) projects are usually associated with digital artworks, memorabilia, etc., allowing holders to own unique digital assets. Trump's involvement shows that although he had reservations about cryptocurrencies during his presidency, his personal investment in this field shows his interest in digital assets.

This not only marks a further step in Trump's relationship with cryptocurrency, but may also have a certain impact on market sentiment. Ethereum is the world's second largest cryptocurrency, and Trump's holding may be seen as an endorsement of this asset class, further promoting public and investor interest in Ethereum and NFT markets.

At the same time, this also shows the potential of the NFT market, especially when well-known figures are involved. The licensing fees collected by Trump through the NFT project reflect that NFT is not only a display platform for digital artworks, but also a business opportunity with the potential to bring in lucrative income.

This news may trigger a further increase in the market's attention to Ethereum and NFTs, and also highlight the importance of celebrity effect in driving the development of the cryptocurrency market. In the future, as more public figures and institutions enter this field, the prospects of the cryptocurrency and NFT markets may be broader.

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