The US$35 trillion debt is about to burst, and the US has in fact lost the financial war. Biden hurriedly sent people to China, asking China to lend money to help the US tide over the difficulties. Will China agree to the US request?

In 2018, then-US President Trump unilaterally provoked a trade war against China. But before that, the Sino-US financial war had lasted for many years. The United States imposed a huge fine on the Agricultural Bank of China and used the Iranian oil issue to punish Kunlun Bank, which has opened the prelude to the Sino-US financial game. In 2022, the Sino-US financial war entered a critical stage. The United States implemented a continuous aggressive interest rate hike policy. On the one hand, it wanted to curb the high inflation in its own country, and on the other hand, it wanted to use the dollar tide to harvest other countries to settle accounts. As the world's second largest economy, China naturally became the biggest target of the United States.

From the perspective of the Sino-US financial war, unlike the trade war, which is both offensive and defensive, China has always been on the defensive, resisting the continuous attack of the United States. There are three main reasons: first, the United States is the world's largest consumer, while China is a major producer. Our economic development requires overseas demand; second, the US dollar is the main settlement currency for world trade, and the internationalization of the RMB is not enough; third, the current international financial system is operated with the United States as the core, and China does not have an advantage. These situations have made the United States dare to launch a fierce attack on China's finance through a radical interest rate hike strategy, trying to suppress our monetary and fiscal policies.

However, after two and a half years of aggressive interest rate hikes, the US inflation rate is still 3%. Moreover, because a large amount of US dollars have flowed into the market, the value and purchasing power of the US dollar have declined significantly. In addition, the US non-farm unemployment rate reached 4.3%, far exceeding market expectations and the highest value in the past three years, which is even more serious than during the epidemic. On the other hand, China, as the defensive side of the financial war, has maintained an exchange rate of around 7.1, the offshore RMB has also risen recently, and foreign exchange reserves have been stable at around 3 trillion US dollars for a long time. Obviously, the United States has not achieved its goal of harvesting China. Seeing this situation, Buffett and other American financial giants began to sell US stocks and cash out with all their strength, because they must eliminate the liquidity of international hot money invested in US stocks, put their money in their pockets, and reprint money.

The US-China financial war has developed to this point, and the US has actually lost. Their offensive strategy has completely failed. What is even more embarrassing is that because their own financial situation continues to deteriorate and the debt scale exceeds 35 trillion US dollars, the US is once again facing the risk of debt default.

The debt of 35 trillion US dollars is equivalent to the total economies of the world's second to sixth largest countries. If left unchecked, the United States will inevitably face national bankruptcy. Therefore, on August 14, the Biden administration of the United States sent a delegation led by the Assistant Treasury Secretary to China under the banner of "seeking Sino-US economic and trade cooperation." But the real purpose of the United States is to ask China to lend money to help itself through the difficulties, just like the subprime mortgage crisis in 2008.

But it should be pointed out that this is the fifth time that the Biden administration has sent people to China to hold financial talks with China. In other words, the United States has asked China to borrow money four times, and China has not agreed. The responsibility for this situation lies entirely with the United States. Although the Biden administration says that it wants to strengthen Sino-US cooperation, their actions to suppress China have not stopped at all. Moreover, the United States has threatened to sanction Chinese financial institutions under the pretext of so-called "China's aid to Russia." Even NATO, led by the United States, discussed in internal meetings that "if the Russian-Ukrainian conflict escalates, Chinese companies' infrastructure projects in Europe will be confiscated." The United States is so insincere, why should China save them? I hope the United States will take care of itself and not do these "two-faced" things!