[2024.8.19 Bitcoin Ethereum Intraday Market Analysis + Weekly Position]

Brothers, a new week has begun. Bitcoin Ethereum was trading sideways on the daily line last week, with a small-scale wide fluctuation. Yesterday, I pushed the speech and said that the daily line would reverse if it closed up. I didn’t expect that it didn’t close up after it came down at night. This week, it may go out of the market. Just wait patiently. By the way, there will be speeches or data releases every day on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday this week. Everyone should pay attention to the fluctuations in the market!

Binance’s outstanding creators continue to maintain the sixth place. This ranking is very meaningful. I wish all brothers good luck. Old friends, remember to vote for me every day. Thank you very much! 👉投票瓜分50000U👈

Big Bitcoin weekly support: 57200-56000-53350 Pressure level: 60300-61850-63150

Ether weekly support: 2555-2330-2115 Pressure level: 2700-2788-2980

Today's market analysis:

$BTC I said at night that if 59300 is broken, the 4-hour level will start to pull back. After breaking it in the morning, it will directly reach the second support level I gave and then start to rebound.

Big Bitcoin is currently rebounding at the 15-minute level. Today's rebound pressure level pays attention to the positions of 59030-59380-59860. The rebound will only be more powerful if it stands above 59380!

If the rebound reaches the pressure level today and continues to fall, the support level below should be around 58170-57500-56740! #BTC走势分析

$ETH I said at night that as long as the 4-hour level does not fall below 2610, the market will still go up. The lowest pin 2601 in the morning quickly pulled up.

The 15-minute level of the big cake is currently rebounding. Pay attention to the position of 2643 above the rebound. As long as it stands at this position, this wave of small-level callback will continue to rise after the end of the callback. Pay attention to the upper target/pressure level near 2681-2720-2755.

If the rebound reaches the pressure level today and continues to fall, pay attention to the support level below 2605-2585-2565! #ETH走势分析

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