Large unlocks this week

$ROSE will unlock about 151 million tokens at 0:00 Beijing time on August 19, accounting for 2.24% of the current circulation, worth about 8.58 million US dollars

$PIXEL will unlock about 54.37 million tokens at 18:00 Beijing time on August 19, accounting for 7.05% of the current circulation, worth about 7.65 million US dollars

$AVAX will unlock about 9.55 million tokens at 20:00 Beijing time on August 20, accounting for 2.59% of the current circulation, worth about 198.18 million US dollars

$ID will unlock about 18.5 million tokens at 20:00 Beijing time on August 22, accounting for 4.29% of the current circulation, worth about 6.61 million US dollars

$ENA will unlock about 14.89 at 15:00 Beijing time on August 25 10,000 tokens, accounting for 0.82% of the current circulation, worth about 4.36 million US dollars

#CARV释放数据潜力 #美国CPI数据连续第4个月回落 #新币挖矿TON