Are there really no good girls in this world?

A letter from a reader

I had a girlfriend in college. She was pretty and money-loving. She dated me from freshman to junior year. She spent a lot of my money. After torturing me to the point of being emaciated, she abandoned me.

During that period, I was depressed and smoked, drank and surfed the Internet all day. Since I had good academic performance, our school had a counterpart school. Even if I had a junior college degree, I could apply for the postgraduate entrance examination of this school. The counselor asked me to sign up. I just wanted to go out and relax, so I went.

There were also several alumni from the same undergraduate class who went with me. One of them was pretty and enthusiastic. Since we were not familiar with each other, we could not say a few words. On the night train, I slept on a hard seat for half a day. I woke up because my waist and arms hurt. She was sitting opposite me. When I looked up, I saw her sitting there straight. I was shocked and asked her why she didn't sleep. She smiled and said she couldn't sleep.

To kill time, we started chatting, chatting randomly.

Finally, we talked about parents. I said that my mother was very powerful and often quarreled with my father. I didn't want to go home during holidays. Surprisingly, she said that her parents were the same, but the difference was that her father was powerful and her mother was weak. Because of similar experiences, the two of us talked more and more speculatively. With similar experiences, we invisibly narrowed the distance and had a good impression. But thinking about my love, I was discouraged and quickly extinguished the fire in my heart.

After the exam, we went to the local shopping mall together. At a jewelry counter, she joked to me, buy one for your girlfriend. I said I didn't have money. She said to me, if you don't have money, I will lend it to you and don't let you pay it back. I said I broke up with my girlfriend and didn't want to talk anymore, she smiled and didn't say anything.

After taking the train back to school, she said she wanted to treat me to a meal to thank me for helping her carry her luggage. During the meal, she said to me, let me introduce you to a girlfriend. I said no, she asked me what I thought, I said I couldn't find a good girl, she asked me: Do you think I am a good girl? I said you definitely do, she said then just find me, are you willing?

Fate is really unstoppable, I am more than willing, I am very willing.