The survival rules of the coin circle that novices must read: the core strategy of steady trading

Wait for a breakthrough, and do not move when the market is sideways:

When the persimmon market is in a long-term sideways consolidation stage, it is often a manifestation of the balance of power between the long and short sides. At this time, patience is the most valuable quality. Avoid blind entry and wait for the decisive big positive line or big negative line to break through the consolidation area. This is usually a clear signal of a change in market trend. Only after such a clear signal appears, it is the right time to intervene or adjust the position.

Follow the trend and operate steadily:

After the trend is clear, you should follow the trend. When the price falls back and stabilizes at the key support level, it is a safer buying opportunity; on the contrary, when the price rises rapidly and approaches or breaks through the resistance level, you should consider reducing your position or selling. This operation strategy helps you keep up with the pulse of the market and reduce the risks brought by counter-market operations.

Bottom confirmation, hold firmly:

In the bottom area of ​​the persimmon market, the appearance of a long positive line often indicates the strengthening of the multi-party power. If the price falls after the long positive line but does not leave a long upper shadow line, and the overall trend is still strong, this is usually a strong confirmation of the bottom market. At this time, you should firmly hold your position until the closing or adjust your strategy according to the subsequent trend. This accurate grasp of the bottom market is the key to making huge profits.

Mentality and strategy are equally important:

In the currency circle, success is not achieved overnight, but requires long-term training and accumulation. The alternating cycle of bull and bear markets is the norm in the market, so it is crucial to keep a calm mind. Remember, no one can accurately predict every short-term market fluctuation, but we can reduce risks and increase the winning rate by learning and applying scientific trading rules.

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