No matter what difficulties and challenges we encounter, the final result depends on our determination, efforts and persistence. Everyone's destiny is in their own hands. Only by taking every step bravely can we find our own way.

Today, Saturday, the price fluctuation of the white plate is small, and the overall operation is in the oscillation range. It began to pull up in the evening and tried the upper pressure level of 59780 again without success, and it was under pressure to go down. The high point of the big cake stopped at 59690, and the ether developed synchronously, and the high point stopped at 2628. The market unfolded as expected, and our real-time bands were bagged and left as expected. The big cake entered the market at 58813 and waited for it to rise to 59621 and left. Long Dan took 808 points of space. Ether entered the market at 2590 and waited for it to rise to 2624 and left. Short Dan took 34 points of space. Although the power is not as much as usual, it is Saturday after all, and it is not easy to get so much.

From the current market situation, the daily line is still a situation of alternating yin and yang, with two small yins followed by two small yangs, and it seems to stabilize at 59,000. Whether it can successfully break through the middle track remains to be seen. Although the price ratio on the four-hour line has risen in a step-by-step manner, showing a certain upward momentum, and the bulls have gradually occupied a dominant position, the overall trend has not yet been fully established, and there is still a risk of a correction. In the short term, the bullish momentum has weakened, the price ratio has failed to effectively break through the resistance, and the upper shadow line is frequent, showing upward pressure, which may lead to a correction in the short term. In summary, we will treat it as a retracement to take more, and look at the retracement first.

Pie 59,000-58,700 more, target around 60,200

Ether 2590 more, target around 2640#美国CPI数据连续第4个月回落 #新币挖矿TON #美国7月PPI低于预期 #WBTC #TON