I was going through #GOLD chart and i see it's breaking into the new highs and price was printing continuous higher highs and higher lows.

And on the other side we have #BTC printing lower highs and lower lows.

Gold is supposed to be a hedge against inflation , A safe heaven in War conditions and every uncertainty in the world and no doubts Gold proved to be it all the time.

Gold is probably also going up in anticipation of FED cutting rates.

I never compare Bitcoin with Gold because i don't see it ever reaching that level.

But looking at Gold chart one question came in my mind what reasons do $BTC have to go down?

Govt selling?

Mtgox repayments?

I don't know when this lower highs or lower lows series will end but I personally think Deep dips are good opportunity to play big swings on SPOT.

I have no good setup on BTC right now but i think there will be a great opportunity for us to play, have to be patient for it.