According to TechFlow, the DOGS project officially announced on Telegram that users can now receive DOGS tokens through Telegram wallets and centralized exchanges (CEX). Officials said that users can find detailed instructions in the app, but please note that KYC certification must be completed on the selected exchange. The tokens will not be received immediately and will be deposited into the user's designated account before August 20.

For users who have not yet registered an account, the official provides registration links for Telegram wallet, OKX and ByBit.

Due to the expected high load on the app, the "Get" button may not be displayed to all users at the same time. If you encounter difficulty accessing it, we recommend trying again later.

For users who want to withdraw tokens to a non-custodial wallet, the option will be available on August 20. Officials remind users not to forget to connect a non-custodial wallet and recommend Tonkeeper as a TON wallet option.

According to previous news, DOGS announced its token economics, and 81.5% of the supply belongs to the community.