TechFlow reported on September 17 that Howard Winklevoss, the father of the Winklevoss twins, the founder of the cryptocurrency trading platform Gemini, donated $4 million worth of Bitcoin to his alma mater, Grove City College. This is the first time the college has accepted a Bitcoin donation, and the funds will be used to open new business courses. Howard was exposed to the Austrian School of Economics while studying at the school in the 1960s, and this theory also profoundly influenced Satoshi Nakamoto, the founder of Bitcoin.

Howard said he first invested in Bitcoin in 2013, calling it "a non-government-issued, fixed-supply digital currency that is sound money that works like email." He studied at Grove City College with free-market economist Hans Sennholz, a former student of Ludwig von Mises. "It was a lightbulb moment for me to connect the ideas of that school of economics with what Satoshi Nakamoto had created," Howard said.

Tyler Winklevoss recalled that although his brothers introduced Bitcoin to their father in 2012, it was in some ways his father's influence that sparked their interest in Bitcoin. He explained: "The sound money principles and Austrian school thinking that my father was exposed to during his studies in the 1960s were often mentioned when we were growing up, which helped us understand its importance and value when we discovered Bitcoin."