Bounce Brand releases BN token IDO details, total IDO is 4.2 million

Foresight News reported that the decentralized auction platform Bounce Brand has released the details of the TNA Protocol (BN) IDO. The IDO will be launched on August 19 at 18:00 and will last until August 21 at 18:00. The total supply is 4.2 million BN. Pool 1 is for AUCTION staking (1.05 million BN) with a total of $12,500. Pool 2 is for fixed-price public sale (2.73 million BN) at a price of $0.011905 per BN. Pool 3 is for fixed-price whitelist (420,000 BN) at a price of $0.011905 per BN. The BN tokens will be unlocked 10% on August 21 at 19:00, and then linearly unlocked 7.5% every month for 12 months.