Based on the available data, there are several possible trading strategies for DOG in the coming hour. We will take into account the current DOG price patterns and the available market sentiments.

1- Ascending follow-up strategy:

Since DOG is currently showing an upward trend and the ratio of major coin holders on Bybit is positive (11.8:1), a bullish follow-through strategy could be appropriate. Traders can buy DOG when the price breaks above the recent resistance level of BOLL ($0.003038), placing stop-loss orders with a close below the previous resistance.

2- Volatile trading strategy:

Since the current market sentiment indicator indicates a neutral bias (sentiment indicator 29), traders can take advantage of short-term fluctuations in DOG. DOG can be bought when the price breaks above the upper resistance level of BOLL ($0.003038) and sold when the price breaks above the lower support level of BOLL.

3-($0.002739) Reverse Trading Strategy:

If you think that DOG might go in the opposite direction, you can use the reverse trading strategy. DOG can be sold when the price crosses the lower support level of BOLL ($0.002739) and bought when the price crosses the upper resistance level of BOLL ($0.003038). However, you should remember that trading strategies are risky, and you should conduct additional analysis and manage your risk properly before making a trading decision. It is also recommended to monitor the changes in the mentioned technical indicators such as KDJ, MACD, RSI, EMA BREAK and BOLL for further signals and confirmations before making any trading decisions.