Analysis of the price movement of the HMSTR cryptocurrency over the past month shows significant changes. The coin started with an opening price of 0.02 and dropped to 0.00488 at the end of the month. The current trend of the analysis is bullish.
By analyzing the position of the main owners, we find that the ratio of buying to selling is 2.4:1, which indicates that investors who bet on the price rising outperform those who bet on its falling.
As for the current funding rate, it is 0.0001, which is a positive number indicating the long side is outperforming, which reinforces the confidence in the uptrend.
In terms of capital flow, we saw an inflow of 38,251,806U and an outflow of 32,716,222U, indicating investor interest in the coin.
Regarding the current support and resistance levels, the latest BOLL support price is $0.001224, while the resistance price is $0.010173.
According to the Market Sentiment Index, the Market Sentiment Index is 42, which is considered the "Fear" level, an indicator of market uncertainty.
By analyzing the technical indicators, it can be concluded that the HMSTR coin is heading towards an upward trend due to the superiority of investors betting on the price rise and the positive funding rate. However, market sentiment indicators and technical indicators should be carefully monitored to identify any potential changes in the trend.