**News Flash: FlowBank Bankruptcy Impacting AEUR Stablecoin**

The recent bankruptcy of FlowBank is causing ripples in the cryptocurrency world, particularly affecting the Anchored Coins Euro (AEUR) stablecoin. Anchored Coins revealed that part of AEUR's collateral was tied up with FlowBank, now in liquidation.

- **Issuance and Redemption Halted:** AEUR and ACHF (Swiss franc-backed) issuances and redemptions are paused "until further notice," as ordered by authorities.

- **Uncertain Recovery:** The extent to which AEUR's collateral can be recovered remains unclear, raising concerns about maintaining its 1:1 redeemability.

- **Proportional Losses:** Any potential losses will be proportionally distributed among AEUR token holders, as per Swiss law.

FlowBank, partly owned by CoinShares, was shut down by Swiss regulators for serious breaches. At its closure, the bank held assets worth approximately $780 million. The situation remains fluid, with AEUR's market cap standing at around $63 million as of mid-August.