
Does sats inscription still have a chance?

The reason why UniSat is obsessed with empowering SATS

But why has it always failed? The price has not really been pulled up.

In addition to the big market reasons, although there are still many people who take it, the overall base has been decreasing.

The fundamental core reason is that BTC20 is too dependent on offline ledgers.

In the early days, you can understand this as decentralization. Centralization has the risk of manipulation.

Later, with the development of BRC20, many platforms have their own ledgers. More and more data has caused the ledger records of several platforms to be different. This is the biggest problem of BRC20 at present, and it is also the biggest problem of UniSat at present.

At present, the overall stock index of meme is still too high.

I don’t think there will be too much glory in the short term!

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