Today's thoughts on eating watermelon: What is cognitive difference

I have always strictly controlled sugar intake. I didn't dare to eat watermelon before

because I thought the sugar content of watermelon must be very high

until I saw a report saying that the sugar content of watermelon is actually only 6%, which is very low among fruits

Not only that

Watermelon is rich in water and has many benefits for the urinary system

(very effective for female urethritis and male prostatitis)

Watermelon is rich in vitamin C and has an antioxidant effect on the skin

Watermelon is rich in fiber and is beneficial to gastrointestinal motility

Watermelon has many functions: prevent constipation, lower blood pressure, improve blood circulation, enhance immunity, and relieve muscle soreness.

You see, I didn't dare to eat such a good fruit for nearly 5 years, so often what we think is not necessarily right, this is cognitive difference.