This time I will discuss the Latest Crypto Airdrop List 2023 which has the potential to bring big profits to Airdroppers.

2021-2022 are golden years for airdrop players, and the most phenomenal airdrops at that time were ARB (Arbitrum) and APT (Aptos).

The airdrop program carried out by the two big coins was successful in attracting many new enthusiasts who wanted to join and learn about airdrops.

If you are in the beginner category, you should first study my previous article about the Beginner's Crypto Airdrop Learning Guide to better understand the material I will discuss this time.

Latest Crypto Airdrop List 2023

Most of the potential airdrops are of the Airdrop Testnet and Airdrop Mainnet (Retro) types, so the process will be a little complicated.

Even though it's not as big as the ARB and APTOS airdrops, I'm sure the list of the latest 2023 airdrops below will be enough to fill your wallet.

1. Smart Layer

Smart Layer is a decentralized service network, based on public blockchain technology.

One of the things that differentiates Smart Layer from other platforms is the use of two types of tokens that have different roles and functions in the ecosystem.

Utama Token: Governance Token, SLN

This token has a central role in the Smart Layer network. Owners of this token, known as the ‘Governance Token, SLN’, benefit directly from the development and growth of the network.

For example, as the network grows and more entities or individuals join, the value of SLN is expected to increase, providing rewards for holders of these tokens.

Secondary Token: Service Unit Token, SU

This type of token is focused on operational and redemption services within the Smart Layer Network.

‘Service Unit Token, SU’ is a stable token whose value is tied to a resource or service provided by the network.

In other words, the value is directly correlated with the volume or number of services that can be obtained with the token.

Additionally, Smart Layer makes it easy for Web2 services to tokenize their various business experiences or services, creating a more seamless and integrated user experience.

With the concept of tokenized services, businesses can purchase SLN/SU to create smart tokens and integrate those tokens into their web services.

Link Airdrop:

2. CoreDao (Shatoshi APP)

Core DAO represents the newest generation of blockchain technology. As a Layer-1 (L1) blockchain, it combines the decentralization and security advantages found in Bitcoin with the scalability and utility capabilities of Ethereum.

This creates a system that takes the advantages of both worlds, while attempting to minimize the disadvantages.

One of the biggest innovations of Core DAO is the introduction of a consensus mechanism called “Satoshi Plus”.

This mechanism is arguably an attempt to combine the two consensus approaches that are currently most dominant in the blockchain world: Proof-of-Work (PoW) which is the basis for Bitcoin and Proof-of-Stake (PoS) which is the core of Ethereum.

Proof-of-Work, while proven to be very secure, has challenges in terms of scalability. Its energy-intensive and compute-intensive process makes it difficult to scale as users and transactions grow.

On the other hand, Proof-of-Stake offers a more environmentally friendly solution with better scalability, but is often criticized for its lack of decentralization.

With “Satoshi Plus”, Core DAO tries to create a formula that can minimize the weaknesses of both consensuses.

By taking the security essence of PoW and the easy scalability of PoS, this mechanism is designed to provide optimal solutions to the challenges that exist in the blockchain world today.

Thus, Core DAO carries the vision to present a protocol that leverages the strengths of Bitcoin and Ethereum, combining their advantages, while attempting to mitigate the shortcomings of both blockchains.

Download the Satoshi App to claim airdrop:

3. Over Protocol

Over Protocol is an innovative layer 1 (L1) blockchain, based on the protocol known as “Ethanos”.

One of the unique things about Over Protocol is its approach which only considers active accounts as valid accounts.

Thus, full nodes in these systems can easily discard irrelevant or outdated data, requiring much less storage space. As a result, the storage load becomes lighter and more efficient.

One of the main advantages of Over Protocol is that it is easy to run. In fact, anyone can run a node and function as a validator just by using their home PC.

In fact, this innovative approach, Ethanos, has received recognition and was published in EuroSys’21, a leading technology conference.

Ben, one of the supporters of Over Protocol, emphasized how important this convenience is. With the ability for anyone to become a validator, individuals now have the opportunity to earn income through a process known as “home staking”.

It's not just about earning an income, but also opening up opportunities for a different lifestyle.

With Over Protocol, individuals can have access to new payment options, better credit, and innovative financial opportunities.

It doesn't stop there, Superblock plays an active role in the development of Over Protocol by creating various decentralized products, tools and applications that support its growth.

Over Protocol stands out as a layer 1 blockchain that is completely decentralized, but remains lightweight and efficient, providing optimal solutions for users and developers in the blockchain world.

To do the Airdrop Over Protocol, you just have to open the following link then download the over application and carry out the mission every day.

4. zkSync

zkSync is here to offer a new approach to the Ethereum blockchain ecosystem through a Layer 2 (L2) solution.

The essence of the L2 solution is to provide a faster, more cost-effective transaction experience, without compromising the proven security aspects of the Ethereum network.

To achieve its goal, zkSync adopts the ZK-rollup method which has been modified to be more optimal.

Additionally, Opportunity Matterlabs, which collaborated on the development of zkSync, is preparing further innovations that are expected to provide a significant boost to its network performance.

This upgrade is named zkSync 2.0 and is designed to provide more advanced performance, thereby increasing efficiency and convenience for users.

Not only that, Opportunity Matterlabs also introduced a system that supports various operational blockchains called HyperChains.

From the report released by zkSync, it is confirmed that HyperChains will offer incredible flexibility for developers.

This means developers can have more options in determining how their applications work and on what chain they run.

Thus, the innovations introduced by zkSync and Opportunity Matterlabs demonstrate a commitment to providing a better experience for users and developers in the blockchain world, especially in the Ethereum environment.

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