📊 TOP blockchain dApps by total revenue in 30 days:#MKR- $21.1M 🏆

#AERO - $13.9M ✈️#ENA- $12.2M 💡#LDO- $8.79M 🌊#UNI- $7.02M 🦄#AAVE- $5.24M 💸

#CAKE - $3.79M 🍰#CRV- $3.72M 🔄#GMX- $2.42M 🚀#JITO- $2.25M ⚡️#DYDX- $1.66M 📈#VELO- $1.60M 🛠#VRT- $1.48M 💥#DeFiSaver- $1.19M 💾#THE- $1.11M 🎯

💡 Conclusion:

High-yield protocols are showing their demand in the DeFi ecosystem. Particular attention should be paid to projects such as #MKR📈 and $UNI , which, despite a decrease in profitability, remain among the leaders in terms of the amount of funds earned. At the same time, projects such as #AERO and $JITO are showing significant growth, which may indicate growing interest in them from users and investors. Follow these dApps to stay up to date with the latest trends in the market! 🚀