Main Image text: #BTC

※Abstract before the article: See attached picture for details

Among the important airframes mentioned previously on the 13th, as explained in the conversation on the 12th in the attached picture, if you look at this kind of event directly on the 13th, you can’t believe it will happen, even more difficult to believe than the super large amount on the 5th.

This means that the event is not something that is easily seen. But if it happens, it will collapse immediately.

Although it is always a good thing that it did not happen, it is not over yet (we all wonder if it is the expansion of the Russian war or the earthquake in the South China Sea, because this air host is transient and has no continuity, that is, it is not an economic problem).

As mentioned before, after the small bearer guided the downward trend at 14 o'clock on the 13th, we did see a downward trend starting from 14 o'clock. However, as mentioned above, we cannot make new lows or suppress prices, otherwise it will lead to bottom speculation.

At this position at 18 o'clock yesterday, after breaking the low of 2 o'clock in the morning, the bottom speculators came. Of course, this also shows that this speculation will not affect the bearer on the 13th. Therefore, the bottom speculation is only speculation in the band, and there are no multiple traders, because if there are multiple traders, it will break directly. This will not allow the 18-point bottom speculation army to speculate for a thousand points.

——Future (Follow-up):

★In the follow-up, we still need to continue to pay attention. It is really impossible to say whether it can be played or not. I am just a short seller, and I pray that the incident will not happen. I would rather lose money than pray that it does not happen.

And this situation on the 13th will last until the 15th.

In addition to the above important situations, of course there will be some speculation by some investors. After all, investors only want to know the rise and fall.

If you want to know the little things, then I will also mention the hype time of these little things, and you can judge the hype logic of the little guys by yourself. However, I would like to remind you that if there is a main force, there must also be things and opportunities, so that the main force can be useful. When looking at the market, it is not just about the main force. There is no way to speculate if there is nothing wrong.

The time for small things is... Due to theft and counterfeiting, the second half will not be released for the time being. Binance Square will publish the post first. Please check the posting time. If you need the second half, please search for my name and subscribe.