Some people will always say, "You believe what this person says"!

My response is:


I believe it

Not what he said per se, but how freely he expressed his thoughts.

I believe it

It was his ability to freely use logic and reason to make his point.

I believe it

It is his right to do what he wants to do and say what he wants to say.

I believe it

It is his ability to spread his opinions and insights through expression.

I believe it

It's him being able to be a real person and show his true self.

I believe it

It was he who was able to use his eyes to help me see a world I had never seen before.


I believe it

It was he who was able to find his own position among the diversity of voices and defend it bravely.

I believe it

It is he who can still stick to his beliefs in the face of doubts and challenges.

I believe it

It is he who is able to learn and grow from his mistakes and continually pursue the truth.

I believe it

It is his ability to respect the opinions of others, even if those opinions differ from his own.

I believe it

It is he who can maintain a kind and sincere heart in this complicated world.