We discovered a User Interface issue with the Qtum MetaMask Snap implementation where the wallet was asking for a Qtum address and would only accept Hex addresses and not Base58. We decided to make a quick fix to this and get that portion of the wallet re-audited by Sayfer. Because Qtum is based on Bitcoin Core, the addresses are displayed as Base58. The EVM implementation on Qtum obviously is based on Ethereum, so it uses Hexadecimal format, and we have an interpretation layer in the middle called the "Account Abstraction Layer" that does the address conversions for the end user. This could have been confusing for users trying to bridge USDC to Qtum and back.

We developed a MetaMask Snap so users will have a familiar interface while using the Qtum Bridge to transfer USDC from Ethereum to Qtum and back. With the audit finished, we can now submit our code to Consensys to apply for a listing in "Snaps Directory". It's only possible to apply if the code has been audited by an approved entity, which is why we went with Sayfer.

This is the last step before we start rolling out a testnet implementation of the bridge. We're already planning to do a fun community event that asks users to transfer as much testnet Qtum and Sepolia USDC back and forth to test the stability and speed of the product.

Here's a link to the wallet audit: