Well, actually, what I am most looking forward to this week is not the CPI data.

This damn data is just like that.

What I am looking forward to is Musk and Trump talking about cryptocurrency.

As long as these two people talk, no matter what they talk about.

There will be great opportunities, talking about big cakes, contracts to do, and talking about local dogs, that would be fun.

But they obviously know this, and probably agreed in advance to avoid this topic, which is a pity!

It is also quite disappointing.

Of course, it is reasonable. This is not to say that cryptocurrency is not important.

Obviously, the currency circle has become Trump's traffic password. It has been mentioned many times before, and it is also the hottest topic of the year.

Normal speaking, the interview department may not talk about it.

It can only be said that they deliberately do not talk about it.

With the current economic situation in the United States, BTC may become an important tool for their strategy, such as hedging,.

Because, they deliberately control the rhythm and do not let the rise be out of touch!

#美国PPI数据即将公布 #美国CPI数据即将公布 #WBTC #BTC #sol

Of course, this is my philosophy. If BTC wants to go high, it will not stand alone. The surrounding areas will also rise.

I dare not say that the contract is a bargain hunting

Fresh is indeed OK. Fans with small funds of 1~10wu, please pay attention.

Today, I will announce a fresh honey horse that has been researched for a long time. It is no problem to double next month.

August observation: sol, om, bonk