Views on market changes: Every time the market gets better or worse, there are always people who say "this time is different". But in fact, the nature of the market has not changed, because the human nature of market participants remains the same. This time the market still follows the rules of the past.

Suggestions: Be cautious in the market and don't be confused by various remarks, especially when the position is too heavy, psychological pressure may lead to wrong decisions, thereby amplifying risks.

Strategy: A relatively safe strategy is to buy 500 days before the Bitcoin halving and sell 500 days after the halving. In addition, it is recommended to mainly invest in leading currencies with large market capitalization, and the investment proportion of small currencies should not exceed 1% of the overall assets.

Position management: It is recommended that investors control the investment amount within 40% of the total assets, especially when there is no stable source of income, do not overweight the position, otherwise it is easy to make wrong decisions due to psychological pressure when the market fluctuates.

Psychological construction: When investing, you must recognize your risk tolerance and avoid greed and overinvestment. If you invest in idle funds, the psychological impact of market fluctuations will be smaller, and the decision will be more rational.