Recently, many people have been hotly discussing whether the Shanzhai bull market will come again. Some people are pessimistic and believe that Shanzhai has entered a bear market and the bull market will not come again. However, this is not the case. The Shanzhai bull market will surely come again, because the biggest attraction of the currency circle is the wealth effect, and the demand for speculation has always existed. However, compared with the previous bull market, it may be different. Nowadays, there are too many currencies, and N multiple currencies are listed every day, and the dispersion of funds is not conducive to speculation. Therefore, the future bull market may focus on track leaders, new narratives, and potential high-quality projects with low market value. The myth that you can make money by buying anything in the bull market has ended, and you need to be cautious when investing in Shanzhai.

In short, although the bull market may change, the arrival of the Shanzhai bull market is inevitable. Investors need to recognize the situation and make adjustments to seize opportunities in the future bull market. So, don't underestimate the potential of the Shanzhai market, but at the same time, keep your eyes open and invest cautiously. I hope we can all get rich returns in the future Shanzhai bull market.