We're incredibly proud of super our talented developers winning not one, but TWO prizes at #ETHGlobalNewYork for their product - 'Ruby Ring'.

Piero, Erik, Miguel and Adam won 'Biconomy's Pool Prize' and Lens Protocol's 'Most Original' application for their work.

Through Ruby Ring, users log in to blockchain applications via their social accounts, with wallet creation handled invisibly, emulating the familiar Web2 user journey.

To achieve blockchain mass adoption, the user journey needs to feel as familiar as using the internet. At vechain, this has always been our mission, and we're proud to be playing a key role in the unfolding cryptographic revolution.

Our Technology Centre team continues building tools that are changing the game for crypto adoption.

Congratulations, team! Let's keep innovating!

Ruby Ring link: https://ethglobal.com/showcase/rubyring-pyx6u

#vechain #Ethereum #crypto2023