2024.8.10 Funds: 48842U

There is no big market fluctuation today. At present, I have opened a small position and made some waves. The funds have not risen or fallen too much. It is better to be stable.

It takes time for a drop of water to wear away a stone. My goal of 200,000 U can be achieved in 3 years. If I can achieve it after 3 years, I will return to my hometown and stay with my parents. *Parents are around*, *Don't travel far away*, *Travel must have a plan*.

Work hard for another 3 years. Thirty years in the east, thirty years in the west. Don't despise the poor young! In the 3-year period, I wish us to get ashore together!

Current holdings:

BONK, W, WIF, COMP (bullish)

JTO, SUI, PEPE (bearish)

The future is uncertain. The only thing that is certain is that nails will grow longer and you need to eat when you are hungry.