I used to have this idea, wanting to make every penny in the market!!!

In the end, I was hurt and found that my "cleverness" was the stupidest behavior in the eyes of the main force.

After a lot of suffering, I realized that short-term trading should be played appropriately...

Later, after joining my current organization, I learned the investment thinking and technology of medium and long-term investment, and I was completely enlightened.

When I understood the trend, knew where the bottom of the bear market was, and then screened the value currency layout, patiently waited for the top of the bull market to appear and judged that it had peaked and left the market, and then I got ten times or dozens of times the income.

Obviously I can make money so easily and make a lot of money that I never thought of, why should I do short-term trading to make "all the ideal market conditions"?

For an ordinary person, if you invest 100,000 yuan, a bull market will last for 4 years, and 20 times is 2 million yuan. Why should you take this 100,000 yuan for short-term trading and take risks?

To put it bluntly, I have experienced bull and bear markets, and I have the ability to go through them. For me, I know very well that my 1.5 million yuan can become 2 million yuan or 3 million yuan in this bull market. Why should I take risks to do short-term trading?

When the real trend comes, if you sell it wrong, you will miss the opportunity, and you will not be able to make more than ten or twenty times, and you will miss the opportunity to cross the class.

Of course, many people find it difficult to understand what I am saying now, and think that I am bragging, but after the second half of this year, at the end of this year, and at the beginning of next year, I believe everyone will understand.

Those who like spot trading, want to roll funds together, and hoard spot trading in the bull market

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In the current ups and downs of the market, blindly working alone will never bring opportunities! ! !

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