Yesterday's CPI was lower than expected, which is good news. It also means that the economy is further deflationary, which is more in line with the criteria for a rate cut next week.

A rate cut next week has become an inevitable result, which means that the next year or so will be a period of rate cuts.

Although various favorable factors are gradually being implemented, the market is still not optimistic about the current market situation.

Many people are comparing it with the last bull market, believing that Bitcoin rose from 3,500 to more than 40,000 in the last bull market, and other currencies only started to explode.

So now everyone is waiting, waiting for Bitcoin to break through 80,000 or 100,000 before they believe that the bull market and the entire cryptocurrency world will explode.

No matter what everyone thinks, I think this method of trying to find a sword by carving a mark on the boat is wrong.

Circle B is changing around the 4-year bull and bear cycle. This is correct. This is the essence. But how will the bull market go? Bitcoin

Will other coins peak first and then rise, or will Bitcoin rise slowly and other coins explode first? This is analyzed based on each round of bull market.

Just like now, many people think that Bitcoin will explode next, and altcoins will continue to be in a bear market and will not start.

My opinion is exactly the opposite. I believe that from now on, valuable potential high-quality currencies will explode and usher in the main upward wave of the bull market. On the contrary, the increase in Bitcoin will not be too large.

Many people are still waiting for the bull market in 2025, and are still waiting for the outbreak of copycats after the big rise of Bitcoin. I can only say that if you plan for this bull market according to the last bull market, you will only miss it.

As for why, I can only say that our institutional research department has spent countless efforts to judge and analyze, and these core analyses are only explained to members.

Some people may think, my account is currently in a loss, why am I so confident? Why do I think what our institution says is right?

This comes from our strength.

In the last bull market, we were able to judge that the bear market had bottomed out when Bitcoin was at $4,500, and Ethereum bottomed out at $110.

In the last bull market, we invested in currencies that increased 50 times.

We identified the top of the bull market and sold out in time, thus avoiding the 519 crash.

We judged that the bull market ended in 2021 and avoided the entire bear market in 2022.

We judged that the bear market bottomed out on November 23, 2022, and that Bitcoin at $15,487 was the bottom of the bear market.

Any one of the above events is what many people desire and long to possess.

How many people regret not buying at the bottom in 2020 and not seizing the last bull market?

How many people regret not escaping the top in time, not avoiding the 519 crash, and not avoiding the bear market in 2022?

How many people regret not judging that the bottom of the bear market was when Bitcoin was at $15,487, and that it was time to go all in?

I caught it in 2020, I caught it in 2021, I dodged it in 2022, and I caught it in 2023.

My current account has a floating loss of about 10%. Compared with those who have a floating loss of 50-60%, or even 80%, this is just a normal fluctuation.

Many currencies with great value potential are currently at the bottom, which means that my cost is relatively lowest, and I have a clear view of the future market and trends.

The currencies I have invested in are selected by a professional team with countless efforts. From the establishment of our community to now, all major events have been judged accurately, so I am not worried at all.

The 8-digit numbers are very jumpy. 1000w, 2000w, 3000w are all eight-digit numbers. In my opinion, if I follow David's layout and strictly implement the strategy, my account of 1.5 million will most likely reach 2000w-3000w after the bull market ends.

Taking a step back, isn't it great to make 10 million from 1.5 million? You know, it is very difficult to make a single digit. Many people can only make 1 million in their lifetime. It is completely beyond their ability to turn 100 into 1000.

Therefore, I hope that everyone will not be brainwashed by some myths of getting rich quickly in the B circle.

I am David, a blogger who focuses on freshness!!!

It is better to teach a man to fish than to give him a fish.

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