Odaily Planet Daily News This week, global stock markets have plummeted, and cryptocurrencies have also experienced a washout. Industry insiders believe that anti-ETF can help investors manage risks amid market fluctuations, and it is expected that the market will launch more related products. OSL Chief Financial Officer Hu Zhenbang said that inverse ETFs have significant potential in the digital asset market as they can be used as risk management tools to help investors buffer losses during market fluctuations. In fact, in order for the digital asset ETF market to achieve faster and more stable development, more and richer derivative products need to be developed, so as to meet the needs of various types of investors and provide them with comprehensive and diversified investment portfolio strategies. . However, Hu Zhenbang believes that there are no regulated digital asset derivatives in Hong Kong yet. If issuers in Hong Kong wish to develop such products, they may need to rely on instruments listed on overseas exchanges, such as the Bitcoin futures contracts offered by the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME). This means that investors in the Hong Kong market have to use instruments from overseas markets to implement their investment strategies, which to a certain extent increases the complexity and cost of transactions. (Ta Kung Pao)