Let me tell you the real situation in the cryptocurrency world.

In the cryptocurrency circle, the ratio of those who make money to those who don’t is basically 10:9. 10% of people make no loss or even make money, while 90% of people lose money.

These rounds of bull and bear markets have seen too many joys and sorrows. The once-prosperous boss now drives an online car-hailing service. The once despised Zha Zha Hui now drives luxury cars and has beautiful women...

Of course, there are more ordinary people like you and me. They don’t have the experience of being a big shot, nor the past of being a loser. In the cryptocurrency circle, they are just ordinary people who are lost.

Take the last bull market for example. There was a big boss who invested in fil and also invested in mining machines. After fil rose hundreds of times, his assets amounted to hundreds of millions. When he saw us, the brothers who had given him advice, he looked like his nose was growing on top of his head.

Although I was still picked up by Mercedes and drank with him, I always put myself in the center and asked my driver to come...

As a result, in this round of bear market, when FIL fell to more than 50, they were ready to buy at the bottom. They did ask for our opinions before, and our advice was not to touch it, as the possibility of something that has become garbage reviving is very low.

However, he no longer trusted us, thinking that we were blocking his path to wealth, and he listened to the advice of his brother-in-law, who said that fil had a lucky buff.

So I chose Soha Fil, and the result is predictable...

The most ruthless thing is that he thought that since the price had fallen to 10 yuan, it would definitely not fall further, so he continued to increase his position and leverage, and he was already going crazy.

As a result, the wealth of this tycoon who made his fortune by selling FIL was basically reduced to zero in just a few days. The Mercedes-Benz was sold, the company was sold, the employees were laid off, and there was barely enough money in the account for food and drink.

At this time, I thought of our old friends again and asked to borrow some money...

However, I borrowed tens of thousands of dollars from him, but now he has disappeared and can’t go online anymore.

Later, I checked this person's information on the Internet and found out that he had been sued and listed as a dishonest person. He was banned from taking high-speed trains and airplanes, and his money on WeChat was also frozen (mainly automatically frozen before transferring money in).

When he asked me to borrow money, I got the money from someone else's WeChat account and cashed it out to him.

Now the money has to be returned.

This is why we always tell everyone in our articles not to trust anyone in the cryptocurrency world.

In the bull market, you are surrounded by living Bodhisattvas who invite you to eat and drink. You think you have made true friends. But once you encounter a bear market, they will suck your blood and then disappear.

Once you lend money in the cryptocurrency world, you basically cannot get it back even if you know the other party’s real information.

The more I write, the angrier I get. He is usually a very nice person. He even donated money to the United Nations and received a certificate. I can say he is very arrogant.

Then he owed me tens of thousands of dollars and I couldn’t get in touch with him anymore.

Of course, he definitely didn't disappear because of the tens of thousands of dollars I made. Instead, he went around in the circle looking for people to borrow money and ended up with millions in debt.

The money must be returned.

Therefore, if you are in the cryptocurrency circle, you must not lend money to others. It is easy to lend money, but it is extremely difficult to get it back.

There are also some people in the cryptocurrency circle who are usually poor and don’t even pay for meals. However, because of the bull market in Shanghai, they invested in Dogecoin, Bitcoin and Ethereum, and their net worth increased dozens of times.

The key is that others happened to cash out and leave the market at the high point.

Then when it was at a low of 15,000, I came back to buy at the bottom and picked up all the chips that I had sold.

Now he has become the "big boss" in our circle.

But this guy is very low-key.

Of course, the above two types of people are only a minority in the cryptocurrency circle. Most people are losing their hard-earned money or making a little money to support their lives.

Including you and me.

In fact, it is too easy to be one of the 10% who make money. It’s just that the cryptocurrency world is so colorful and full of temptations that we are blinded. Coupled with human greed, it is normal for us to lose money in the cryptocurrency world.

However, in this bear market, the cryptocurrency world has been completely blackened by the black fans. Whether newcomers continue to invest in the cryptocurrency world or wait and see, everyone should make their own judgment and not just follow what others say.

It’s a bull market right now, and we share passwords almost every day.

I still say that, if you don’t know what to do in the bull market, click on my avatar and follow me, I will share the bull market spot planning and contract password for free.

I need fans, you need references. It's better to pay attention than to guess.

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