[2024.8.9 Bitcoin Ethereum intraday market analysis]

Good afternoon, brothers. Yesterday was a really good day. Last night, the market started to pull up due to the positive news and continued until this morning. The assets were increasing in value when I was sleeping. The account assets have returned to the current position after this big decline. Bitcoin never fails me. I would like to ask if everyone's account assets have returned?

During the big decline, I have been recharging my faith with my brothers. Those who listened and bought in have made money. Those who shouted about the second exploration every day are those who missed the opportunity because of fear a few days ago. The leverage of this big decline was cleared thoroughly, and many people did not get on the spot, so there was no pressure to pull up the market when there was some good news. Bitcoin pulled up 5 points overnight, and the increase of Bitcoin yesterday was nearly 15 points, which was a bit fierce!

Today, Bitcoin started to rebound at the daily level, and the upper target is 64,000. As long as it stands above this position, this wave of weekly level correction will end and the market will start to go up again.

Ethereum is garbage. Today, the daily line will only rebound when it stands above 2800. It is still rebounding at the 4-hour level!

Today's market analysis:

$BTC said last night that it will continue to rise after breaking through 59400. It rose directly to around 6.27 at night. The big cake is currently in the 4-hour bullish small-level high and fall. Pay attention to the 60350 position when it steps back today. As long as it does not fall below this position, the daily level will continue to rebound upward. Pay attention to the upper target/pressure level near 61660-62700-64000!

If it falls below 60350 today, then today's daily level rebound will fail. Pay attention to the lower support level near 59240-58345-56950! #BTC走势分析

$ETH I said last night that as long as it breaks through the sideways pressure level of 2545, it will continue to rise. It rose directly to around 2700 at night. Ethereum is still rebounding in the 4-hour period, and it has risen back at a small level.

Today, pay attention to the support level below 2630-2575-2500. As long as it does not fall below 2500, it will still fluctuate upward! If it continues to rise today, the upper target/pressure level is around 2723-2767-2800! #ETH走势分析

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