Confirmed, the bull market is coming soon!

I have already said that the Fed will definitely cut interest rates in September!

Once the Fed cuts interest rates, it will be a big change in the direction of the financial battlefield, but don't rush to say that the US hegemony has collapsed, the market reaction will be more subtle.

In the next two months, the US stock market must prepare for a big show - not a straight dive, but a series of shocks.


Shocks can allow funds to flow in and out, and shorts can also find counterparties, and there is order in chaos.

For a real plunge, we have to wait for the interest rate cut to land. At this time, the US's own money bag is not stable, and it is full of risks to rush to find an outlet. Friends who have overseas ETFs on hand, consider withdrawing them and holding on to treasury bonds for safety.

Now, except for A-shares, global stock markets are jumping up and down, and the US interest rate hike is about to stop. The treasury bonds are piled up like a mountain, and the average debt per person exceeds 100,000 dollars. Scary, right? Where do these money want to go? I am optimistic about A-shares, and the US media also followed suit, saying that A-shares are now in a low point with many opportunities.

However, don't be too happy. A-shares may have to stay in a horse stance for the next two months and suppress it so that funds can pick up bargains. Before September is an adjustment period. After this hurdle, it's time to grab shares. The transfer and financing policy will end in September, and then the slow bull market will start. A ten-year long run is not a dream! In short, keep a steady mind and look for the right time!


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