Trading is "rooting down and poking through the sky"

If a bamboo wants to grow tall, it must root down firmly and deeply. In order to root deeply and firmly, it must work silently underground for four years, and after a long wait, it will emerge from the ground and then rise step by step. It is the so-called "rooting down and poking through the sky".

The same is true for trading. First, you must go through a long period of practical testing, practical thinking, and practical induction to form your own system, and then hand the system over to trading practice for verification. After optimization and moderate simplification, make the signal simple and clear, make the operation procedural, and make the operation mechanized, then your money will rise step by step.

These processes are actually very uncomfortable and painful. You can't get the true scriptures without going through life and death. If you have any ideas, you can take a look! #TON #Ripple于诉讼中取得部分胜利 #PlusToken相关钱包转移ETH #加密市场反弹 #美联储何时降息? $BTC $ETH $BNB