$BTC Subsequent trading ideas

5W big cakes are afraid of losses

6W big cakes will ask, can we still chase here

[Don’t use what you said yesterday that the pressure will not break through and go short. Sorry, I said in the afternoon that you should not go short here]


1. For those who entered the market with 5W, 5.8 is the next target with a healthy trend near 5.3. 6.25 is the completion of the AB=CD structure. This technical post was posted on the square the day before yesterday. What is the ABCD structure? The retracement of 0.382 0.618 0.5 corresponds to different targets

2. As the ideas and views a few days ago,

If you want to chase, after piercing 6.25, do a retracement of 5.75-5.8 and make the next stage of rebound

Support 575 546 [The position to judge the end of the rebound in this stage]

I personally don’t chase this section

3. No matter how much you advocate, my position at 5 has increased to 7-8 layers. My views here will not change. As long as the trend of big cakes changes, I will leave the market with the increased position

4. 6.25 median trend turning point