📣📣Sol is about to surpass ETH?

⚠️⚠️Is it right or wrong to swap ETH for Sol?

⚡️⚡️Must read for holding positions

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1. The players who shouted that sol will surpass ETH in this round are the same group of people who shouted that ETH will surpass BTC in the last round

Each round of bull market will have a main theme. In the last round of narrative bull market triggered by Defi, Ethereum, L2, etc., Ethereum also went from 80u near 312 to close to 5000u. Bitcoin, however, has no story or narrative to follow Ethereum in its continuous breakthroughs.

In the logic of calling for an eternal bull market, the Ethereum ecosystem accounts for most of the reasons.

No matter which stage this round of market is at,

But it is undeniable that the star public chain star token is destined to be sol and various ecosystems on the chain.

The meme series in the so-called "All-in meme lives in the palace" is also a meme in the sol ecosystem, not other public chain projects.

So, in the case of a strong background and a strong price, compared with the half-dead appearance of Ethereum that follows the decline but not the rise, calling for surpassing eth does not seem to be opposed by too many people.

2. The second point of view is whether you are your uncle or your uncle.

It's still 312 lines In the first circuit breaker, Mr. Buffett bought hundreds of billions of yuan at the bottom, and then encountered multiple circuit breakers. The old man himself said that he had never seen such a situation in his life, and was criticized by many leeks, "After all, the hero is old and Lian Po is old." The subsequent violent rebound and huge profits made the green leeks say "Your uncle is still your uncle." Similarly, ETH is an important cornerstone in the crypto world, not only because of its huge market value, but also because the Ethereum ecosystem is currently the most complete, complete, stable and secure public chain ecosystem in the crypto world. Compared with the initial outbreak speed of sol, the role of Ethereum is undoubtedly the Buffett of the investment world, which cannot be ignored, even if the short-term price does not give investors the expected return. However, when one day, Ethereum explodes for many days in a row, I believe that everyone will say in unison, "Your uncle is still your uncle." And sol, under the powerful background of Wall Street, we must also remember that it has risen from single digits to the current price! #ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥 #solana生态 #加密市场反弹 #BTC走势分析 #美联储何时降息?