Telegram uses the blockchain Ton (TON). Due to the high degree of control of the Ton Foundation, the currency price quickly reached the top ten non-stable currency cryptocurrencies in the early stages. However, Binance, the largest exchange, has never listed trading pairs. Today (8/8), it finally announced that it will launch TON/BTC, TON/USDT, TON/FDUSD and TON/TRY trading pairs at 6pm in Taiwan.

(Don’t rely on them to keep TON from falling? On-chain decryption: The same group of TON Foundation miners dug out 85% of the supply)

TON received a strong support from the well-known venture capital Pantera this year because of Telegram’s large number of users and its strategy of imitating the “WeChat Mini Program”. TON has driven the currency price to new highs through the meme coin and Tap to Earn (click to earn) craze. However, hacker phishing and fake traffic problems on TON have also caused trouble for many users.

Although TON is widely supported by Russian and Chinese user communities, some people are also concerned about TON’s regulatory risks. Because TON’s earliest currency issuance plan ended due to regulatory filings in the United States. Although it subsequently bypassed supervision on the grounds of “independent community development,” there are still concerns in this regard.

Today, Binance, the most compliant exchange, has listed TON trading pairs, which may mean that "regulatory risks" are no longer included in the assessment, and is expected to bring more freedom to the TON community.

As supervision matures, Telegram includes functions such as exchanges, wallets, financial products, and token issuance in the form of mini programs, as well as secret and numerous illegal activities in the Telegram community. It is easy to step on regulatory red lines, but the main team is currently in Weakly regulated legal areas should be Telegram’s biggest weapon at the moment.

Coupled with the listing of Binance, it is equivalent to a green light, which can alleviate the concerns of many communities; Binance Labs’ investment in the TON game Catizen is also seen as Binance’s help to the TON ecosystem.

(Lost assets in TON? Telegram Wallet’s 50% annualized currency earning was shockingly reported to have locked the wallet, and customer service only responded to canned messages)

This article Binance Dad launches TON spot trading on 88th Festival, does this mean the regulatory risk of TON is lifted? First appeared in Chain News ABMedia.