On July 26, 2024, former US President Barack Obama and his wife Michelle Obama officially supported US Vice President Harris to represent the Democratic Party in the 2024 US presidential election.

The Obamas are two of the most popular Democrats in the country, providing Harris with an expected but still crucial endorsement.

This means that the Democratic Party quickly reached a consensus and put forward a commonly recognized candidate within a week of Biden announcing his withdrawal from the race.

This decision-making efficiency reveals at least several signals:

1. The Democratic Party feels the crisis of losing the election and has a sense of urgency!

2. The Democratic Party is unwilling to accept defeat and is seeking a chance to win by changing candidates!

3. The Democrats have united, but the Republicans are still in a dilemma!

In fact, if we put aside the Democratic Party's advantage over the Republican Party, Harris, as a vice president with no achievements, lacks convincing political achievements, dares not face questions in media interviews, has a shameful history of mistresses, laughs like a witch in front of the camera, and has average personal charm. All these shortcomings limit Harris's upper limit as a presidential candidate.

If Biden had not performed so badly in the June 27 debate, causing the Democratic Party to completely despair, Harris would have had no chance to take on the campaign responsibility!

What is frustrating is that the Democratic Party has been planning its campaign around Biden in the past two years. Now that there are only three months left before the election, it is really uncertain whether to bring out a new face to compete with Trump.

In this case, it is better to use the familiar instead of the new, and Harris became the lucky one chosen by fate.

In yesterday's article, I (Han Tang Think Tank, Xu Jijun) pointed out that Biden's withdrawal from the election was purely due to external pressure, that is, collective pressure from the top leaders of the Democratic Party. In short, Biden was abandoned by the Democratic Party, so he had to announce his withdrawal! Biden is the first incumbent president to be so embarrassed! Of course, this is not to blame others, who made you demented, lost, forgetful, and stuck?

The Democrats’ collective pressure to replace Biden means they will have to fight a life-and-death battle with Trump in the coming months!

It is no exaggeration to say that the hidden dangers in this US presidential election are even greater than the previous one!

Trump has been attacking the US shadow government lurking in the Washington swamp.

The so-called shadow government, among which top Democratic Party members Clinton, Hillary, Obama, Pelosi, and Biden are all main figures, and the supporting force behind them is led by Jewish capital on Wall Street.

Don’t be fooled by Trump’s repeated statements of support for Israel’s fight against Hamas, but Trump is not the ideal candidate of Jewish capital at all. Because Trump is out of control and always threatens to overturn the table, Washington cannot even keep its head down, so what is the point of supporting Israel verbally?

Completely angering Wall Street capital is the consequence of Trump inciting American populism to gain votes!

The US is in decline, and Wall Street capital and Jewish elites in the upper class are no longer willing to give up more benefits to the lower-class workers in the US. Trump won his first election by inciting the US "class struggle". If he wins the election again, the contradictions between the upper and lower levels of American society may lead to social collapse.

After the June 27 presidential debate, Trump was confident of victory, but then he was shot and stabbed! At this time, Trump seemed to be protected by a god. After getting up from the ground, he raised his arms and shouted "Fight, fight, fight!" when he was escorted off the scene.

Indeed, every American with blood in his veins may be infected by Trump’s fighting spirit.

However, wouldn’t those who are hostile to those targeted by Trump be horrified when they see this scene?

Trump’s opponents would probably say: “It’s too stressful to be the enemy of such a lunatic!”

In this case, he must not be allowed to hold the power of the presidency again. Otherwise, Washington will face a revengeful purge!

On July 22, Republican U.S. Senator George Long from Ohio declared at a campaign rally that if Republican presidential candidate and former U.S. President Trump loses the presidential election in November this year, the United States "may have to fight a civil war."

On January 6, 2021, Trump sent two consecutive tweets asking Vice President Pence to change the election results, but was ignored. Subsequently, Trump's supporters occupied the U.S. Congress, an incident that was no less than a riot.

In fact, the Democratic Party of the United States has been changing the demographic structure of American society through illegal immigration. The traditional white population advantage in the United States is getting smaller and smaller, and white Americans come from different countries on the European continent and have different political tendencies. This has led to the Democratic Party's advantage in the election becoming more and more solid.

The Democratic Party has won over the emerging groups in the United States by promoting open immigration and globalization, LGBT sexual freedom, and legalization of abortion and drug use. The Republican Party adheres to the traditional religious stance of the United States, attempts to revitalize American industry, and save the American working group, representing those whose traditional vested interests have been damaged.

The United States relies on its financial and military hegemony to forcibly combine the severely torn immigrant countries into one country, but as the United States' national strength declines, this cohesive force will become weaker and weaker.

The United States is increasingly divided and polarized, and in the end everyone will have to go back to their own homes and look for their own mothers.

Under this trend, one day, Wall Street capital will no longer be able to deeply control the United States. Will there be any other outcome for the United States except disintegration?

Judging from Wall Street’s performance this time, they have also lost confidence in maintaining American politics.

That's why they chose to shoot Trump!

This is a sign of the collapse of the empire!

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