**AI Outpaces Human Experts in Cybersecurity Testing**

In a recent experiment, XBOW AI's automated security testing system matched the performance of top human cybersecurity experts, completing the same number of penetration-testing benchmarks in just 28 minutes compared to the 40 hours it took human testers.

- XBOW AI tackled 104 novel security scenarios, designed to be unsolvable through web searches.

- Five professional pentesters from leading firms participated, with the top performer, "Principal 1," equaling the AI's results but at a much slower pace.

XBOW's AI can continuously run security tests during software development, identifying vulnerabilities early. Experts believe this advancement could significantly benefit the crypto industry, which has faced over $1.4 billion in hacks this year. Continuous AI-driven security testing could enhance the auditing of smart contracts and other crypto security systems.