Grayscale's massive assets are moving again🐶🐶🐶

!! 131 BTC and 16,000 ETH

!! Flowing to Coinbase Prime,

!! ! Market trend changes?

Grayscale boss has made another move! On August 7, the address on Grayscale moved again. In just 7 minutes, 131.27 BTC flew to Coinbase Prime with a "whoosh" sound

Then 44 minutes later, Grayscale generously donated again, and 15,992 ETH also successfully "moved", and the destination was still Coinbase Prime

It seems that Grayscale is going to do a big thing, BTC and ETH are sent as soon as they are said, and they are still to Coinbase Prime is a gift from a big guy like you

No matter if you have long or short orders, you must do a good job of risk control in the early morning, and do each order steadily. Long-term stable profit is the kingly way

What you have gone through is time, what you have seen is the market, what you have tasted is profit and loss, what you have savored is gain and loss, what you have accumulated is experience, what you have achieved is realm, bitterness, sweetness, sourness and emotion, treat it indifferently, do not compete with the market, do not be greedy when you encounter profit, plan strategically, and take every step carefully, so that you can be in a chaotic market with everything under control and move forward steadily🤝#美联储何时降息? #美国7月非农就业增长放缓 #BTC走势分析 #BTC #美国以太坊现货ETF开始交易 $BTC $ETH $BNB