Don’t be fooled.

Don’t be fooled by the temporary pump. It is institutional whales attempt to fool you and create FOMO to us all. Especially to those that acted quickly last Friday and sold on profit.

August will be the worst month of this so called after halving bull run. It doesn’t seem to be a bull run to me but anyway.

The next downturn is around the corner with deeper dives than the one we just saw. Start manipulating the whales all together. They create that false momentum and sentiment of bullishness in order to drag back in and steel you what you have earned or all your capital.

Be sceptical and cautious. All the elements that contributed to this deep dive are still here. The Japanese stock market collapse and increased rates, the geopolitical tensions in Middle East have not gone away, it is just brewing to explode, it is just starting, the unemployment is rising still, inflation is ATH. Because of a green day in the crypto market the world has not got rid of its problems. They are still there.

I wouldn’t touch anything right now. Let the whales do the game between them stay out of it. They do that in order not to collapse the market completely. Let them eat each other without you being on the dinner table as a delicacy.

That is my personal opinion and not a financial advice despite always being accurate in predicting the market waves